Thursday, August 18, 2011

Find the maximum rectangle under a histogram in linear time.

The problem requires to find the maximum area of a rectangle containing an histogram, given N histog


If we insert the histogram i, then the rectangle can have height h(i) or larger, because the rectangle must contain the histogram i with height h(i). If we insert the histogram i then we need to look to the left j \in [i-1 .. 0] for adjacent histograms with h(j) > h(i), say those are l(i). If we insert the histogram i then we need to look to the right j \in [i+1 .. n] for adjacent histograms with h(j) > h(i), say those are r(i). These two steps will give us the basis b(i) of rectangle R_i with height h(i) containing the histogram i. In particular b(i) = l(i) + r(i) + 1, and the area for rectangle i will be a(i) = b(i) * h(i). So the final answer would be A = max_i a(i) which can be computed in O(N)

So the main problem is how to compute l(i) and r(i). If we take O(N) then the final outcome would be quadratic. We need a solution in O(1). Can you make it?

1 comment:

  1. A well explanatory solution is present at
