Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sort an array of objects

There are just three sizes large, small, medium. what is the optimal complexity? Can you make this in-place?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Given 2 very large numbers, each of which is so large it can only be represented as an array of integers, write a function to multiply them

const unsigned MULTIPLY_BASE = 10;

void multiplyLittleEndian(const vector < unsigned > &a, const vector < unsigned > &b, vector < unsigned >  &r)
    r.assign(a.size()+b.size(), 0);
    unsigned ri=0;
    for(unsigned ai=0; ai < a.size(); ++ai)
        unsigned cri = ri++, carry = 0, am = a[ai], cr;
        for(unsigned bi=0; bi < b.size(); ++bi, ++cri)
            cr = carry + am*b[bi] + r[cri];
            r[cri] = cr % MULTIPLY_BASE;
            carry = cr / MULTIPLY_BASE;
            cr = carry + r[cri];
            r[cri++] = cr % MULTIPLY_BASE;
            carry = cr / MULTIPLY_BASE;
    while((!r.empty()) && r.back() == 0) r.pop_back(); // trim result

Sunday, May 27, 2012

add two numbers represented by strings

First need to reverse both strings, then add char by character and reverse final String again.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Interweave a linked list

Interweave a linked list. Do it in Linear time and constant space. Input: A->B->C->D->E Output: A->E->B->D->C

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Roman strings

Get numeric number out of a roman string, linear time Given: mapping I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000 Input/Output: II = 2, III = 3, IV = 4 VI, VII, VIII IX = 9 XL = 40, XLIX = 49
mapping = {
            'I' : 1,
            'V' : 5,
            'X' : 10,
            'L' : 50,
            'C' : 100,
            'D' : 500,
            'M' : 1000,

def roman(string):
  prev = 0
  totalsum = 0

  for c in string:
    if mapping[c] <= prev:
      totalsum = totalsum + mapping[c]
      totalsum = totalsum - prev
      totalsum = totalsum + mapping[c] - prev

    prev = mapping[c]

